We’re Engaged!

Mike and I met in the corporate world (working jobs that had nothing to do with real estate or remodeling!) and started dating in 2014. We knew we’d get married someday (when you know, you know, right?!) but we also wanted to start our business so we put an engagement on hold. Fast forward to December of 2016 – we had just sold our first remodel house and the timing was right. We went ring shopping a few times, but I couldn’t find anything I absolutely loved. Since it would be something I’d wear every day for the rest of my life, and not to mention an expensive purchase, we decided to go to a custom jeweler so I could design the ring myself and have a ring I loved. I knew exactly how it would look, which took the surprise element away, but neither one of us cared about that.

I have to say I suspected when the proposal would happen. Months prior, I had bought concert tickets for us to go see one of my all-time favorite musicians (Andrew McMahon) on March 25, 2017 – the same day the ring would be ready for pickup! Seeing him in concert is a special thing between us because one Christmas Mike surprised me with tickets to see him in Columbus, Ohio. The concert was sold out, but he searched and searched for tickets and finally found a pair online. It was the last gift he gave me. He had wrapped it at least 10 times, starting with a massive box and ending with a tiny box with a folded piece of paper that had our tickets printed on it. We had the BEST time at the concert. We even made a weekend out of it and explored Columbus for a couple of days. We both have such great memories from that weekend and were really looking forward to the concert in Indy.

I was getting ready for the night when randomly one of "our songs" started playing over the surround sound speakers in our house. We never play music over those speakers. We just use them for our TV, so when I heard that song playing over them I knew something was up. I walked out into the living room and there he was, standing with the biggest bouquet of flowers and the biggest smile. He said the nicest, sweetest things (that neither one of us can remember) and got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I swear our dog knew what was happening because she was super excited and jumping around all over the place when he got down on one knee. I cried and said YES and then made him take a million pictures with me.

Monarch Homes | Our Engagement

Here’s my favorite part (besides actually getting engaged) – before the concert, we went out to dinner in downtown Indy to a restaurant called Mesh. The hostess sat us at a booth, handed us menus, and walked away. A split second later, the song Mike played on the surround sound speakers started playing on the restaurant speakers. To give you some background, the song was released in 2013 and was a one hit wonder, so for it to randomly play the second we sat down was such a fun moment!! The rest of the night was amazing! The concert did not disappoint and we could not have been happier to finally be engaged.

Here are some of our engagement pictures taken a few months later.